Chamber is helping company looking for job applicants


Karin Hopkins

On most days at the Chamber office, when the phone rings, it’s for two reasons. The person on the other end is interested in joining the Chamber.  Or the caller is requesting information on this community to help plan an upcoming visit. A few days ago, someone called the Chamber for something totally different than the norm. Her company is hiring and she wants the Chamber to make people in Tuskegee and Macon County aware of the job openings. The company is Ace Tech, Inc. located in Union Springs. This business needs seven full-time workers with sewing experience, immediately. Employees work 40 hours per week at $9 to $11 per hour. Time over 40 hours will be paid at overtime rates. If you are interested, it is necessary for you to show that you are a U.S. citizen or that you are legally eligible to work in this country.  Applicants are welcome to walk-in for same day interviews. The company is located at 261 Welch Avenue, Union Springs AL 36089. You may call Nismeth Hernandez or Javaris Delbridge at 334.738.2464. The Tuskegee Area Chamber of Commerce can also get the application in your hands. Just contact us at and we will e-mail it to you. At the Chamber, we welcome calls like this and all the others that keep our phones ringing. It’s great to be recognized as a resource concerning different aspects of BUSINESS MATTERS.

Karin Hopkins is executive director of the Tuskegee Area Chamber of Commerce and also co- founder of ECHOboom, a digital media platform. Contact her at