Showcasing selected high achievers in the community


We looked around this community and saw many accomplishments worth noting. So, that’s what we are doing throughout this article. We are “Celebrating Success” however and wherever we find success raising its awesome head.  Sandy Taylor and Jerry McRae are winding down their careers. Moses Weaver, Dr. Jacqueline Brooks and Dr. Carla Jackson Bell are at full throttle.  Let’s start with Sandy Taylor. She is hanging up her National Park Service uniform, title and associated responsibilities. She has been a federal government employee for 34 years and has served the last eight years as National Park Service Superintendent in charge of sites in Tuskegee and Selma.  She will leave this position on April 28, 2018 and chillax for a short while. Tuskegee will remain her permanent home and she plans to be an active retired citizen, working on projects that enhance the community. A new beginning is also a few days away for Jerry Roland McRae, affectionately known as “Mr. Mac.” He is leaving his job at McQuick Printing, also at the end of this month. Mr. Mac has been in Tuskegee since 1957.  He is a Tuskegee University graduate who worked at the university print shop for many years. After he left that job, he opened his own printing business, which he ran for 26 years until 2003 when he sold it to Bill McGough, the current owner. Mr. Mac stayed on as manager but his time with the business will end on April 27th. Moses Weaver is looking forward to collecting the $50,000 he won in the Auburn Regional Alabama Launchpad Competition so he can upgrade his water bottling operation. He will purchase new equipment with the funds and expand his capacity to 5,000 bottles per hour. This will allow him to attract more clients and hire additional staff. School Superintendent, Dr. Jacqueline Brooks has published the second edition of the Macon County Family magazine. With the first and second editions, people are often pleasantly surprised to read about our schools, students and teachers and see that they are exceptional in many ways. To get a copy of the Macon County Family magazine, call 334.727.1600. Dr. Carla Jackson Bell has accomplished a feat that places her in a league of her own.  Under her leadership, the National Architecture Accrediting Board has reaccredited the Tuskegee University undergraduate architecture program for an unprecedented eight-year term. We extend best wishes to our neighbors who are slowing down professionally and congratulations to those who are excelling at what they do. In their own way, these individuals have raised the bar. They inspire us to reach higher to fulfill our own purpose and potential. We are blessed by their contributions involving history, tourism, education and BUSINESS MATTERS.

Karin Hopkins is executive director of the Tuskegee Area Chamber of Commerce and also co- founder of ECHOboom, a digital media platform. Contact her at